Today I was encouraged to create a blog - a blog to advocate for those in our community that suffer from unmet needs, removed from any sources of true care or love. I have never blogged before, but I hope that my guidance that has led me to this blog will open up tremendous opportunities for the future of our community. If nothing else, I hope to inspire others to get out there and make a difference, even if it's just one difference. One life can be changed with your hands and your words.
Two weeks ago I spent the afternoon at BARC in Houston ( and it was the most emotional, moving, eye opening experience I've had since my first day of teaching in a Life Skills Classroom. I wept tears of sadness and tears of calling as my boyfriend and I stopped at every animal cage and said hello to the animals. We walked 7 dogs that afternoon, and one dog twice! These dogs changed our lives. As badly as we both wanted to head home with every dog in the shelter, we knew we couldn't. Andy's roommate (guy who owns the house) already owns a dog, and I live in a tiny apartment and am unsure that it would be a good place for a dog. So while we left disappointed that we couldn't adopt, and couldn't give the dogs a loving home, we knew there was more in store for us. We talked that night about how we wanted to get involved working at animal shelters, even if it's just to go see all the dogs, walk them, and help the workers there any way we can.
With that decision, and a plan to visit the Montgomery County Animal Shelter the following Sunday (12.11.11 - we could sleep soundly, knowing that God has opened a door for us to get involved in our community and have an impact on the lives of those around us.
And God spoke to me through the Daily Word ( the next Monday (12.5.11) with this:
I am God's love in expression.
By helping others through challenging times, we tap into our own inner strength. Offering a gentle and steady hand, an encouraging word or rolling up our sleeves and getting to work on behalf of others--these acts of caring fulfill us not only as human beings, but as sacred beings.
We reach out in love through the many ways we serve. It may be reading to a child or visiting an elderly patient in a nursing home; providing comfort and essential aid to residents in a disaster area, or caring for animals at a local shelter. We can give from the heart in a multitude of ways.
As good Samaritans who offer care and comfort to others, we answer the call to be God's love in expression.
God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am."--Exodus 3:4
If we didn't know already, we knew now, it was at the animal shelter that we could do God's work.
Yesterday we went to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter to find rather devastating conditions. Most of the kennels were dirty with feces, especially for the dogs who had been at the shelter for a long time. After seeing this, I knew that I had to work at this shelter.
I don't know if people realize, but so many dogs were there with adoption fees waived as to find them a home. Oftentimes it is these dogs that no one wants, but they deserve a home. These dogs will be our companions forever. We are called to help those that no one really wants to help, and that are often shunned. These dogs are dirty, sad, lonely, and are excited to see people and the opportunity to get out of the kennel and play.
Adoption fees are only $75 and that includes vaccinations, a microchip, and spayed/neutering. Visit your local shelter, if nothing else just to walk a few dogs and give them some joy. A little discipline and dog training and these dogs will be calmed down and happy in no time!!!